Weights and Measures SparkCharts

Weights and Measures SparkCharts

  • Brand: National Braille Press
  • Availability: In Stock


In 1 volume In UEB without Nemeth Includes the following reference tables: Prefixes in the metric system; Measurements in metric and English systems; How to convert between English and metric; Length; Mass and weight; Area; Volume; Speed; Time; Energy and power; Cooking measurements; Geometry equations; Temperature; and Index of wind...


In 1 volume
In UEB without Nemeth

Includes the following reference tables: Prefixes in the metric system; Measurements in metric and English systems; How to convert between English and metric; Length; Mass and weight; Area; Volume; Speed; Time; Energy and power; Cooking measurements; Geometry equations; Temperature; and Index of wind chill factors and heat index.

SparkCharts by SparkNotes are brief, to-the-point study companions and reference tools that cover a wide range of college and graduate school subjects. Outlines, summaries, and tables cover key points and make difficult concepts easier to digest.

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