Computers & Technology

Showing 1 to 12 of 28 items

Staying Secure in an Ever-Changing Digital WorldBy Kim Nova and Chris NovaIn one volume In this important and timely book, the folks from Mystic Access tackle the scarier side of...


By Anna Dresner. Updated by Paul Martz. In one volume Don't miss this quick, handy guide to VoiceOver gestures (including touch and tap gestures, 3D Touch and haptic touch, flick...


2024 UpdateCompiled by Dean MartineauIn one volume This booklet contains commands for the three major Windows screen readers: JAWS, NVDA, and Narrator. Included are keystrokes for general screen reader use,...


By Anna Dresner. Updated by Janet Ingber. In one volume Anna Dresner has updated her iOS reference card for iOS17! Don't miss Anna's quick, handy guide to VoiceOver gestures (including...


Using Your iPhone with VoiceOver By Atty SvendsenBraille (2 vols.), BRF, DAISY, or Word If you are looking for a big-picture overview of the iPhone, check out this new book....


Braille (2 small vols.) or BRF. Applies to: Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2007, Outlook 2016...


By Kim Nova and Chris Nova Using Windows 11 with Screen ReadersIn 2 volumes Kim Nova and Chris Nova of Mystic Access demystify the Windows 11 operating system, and show...


Big Productivity in a Small Package By Kim Nova and Chris NovaIn one volumeIf you crave ease and simplicity when using a computer, welcome to the world of Chromebooks! These...


Using a Screen Reader to Create Attention-Grabbing Presentations By Judy DixonIn 1 volume Technology writer Judy Dixon explores how to create and show visually-appealing presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint with JAWS...


In one volume Comprehensive collection of keystrokes available in Windows 11, containing keystrokes which are either available anywhere in Windows or are used in many different apps, as well as...


By Judy DixonIn two volumes Read AccessWorld's review of this book. Most of us who have used an iPhone or iPad have done at least some writing on it. But...


In one volume See all of our technology books and tutorials! Word for Microsoft 365, Word for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Word for the web Word 2019, Word 2019 for...
