Tactile Maps & Princeton Braillists

Showing 25 to 30 of 30 items

THE PRINCETON BRAILLISTS COLLECTION **Note that these tactiles and descriptions are in English Braille: American Edition (EBAE), not in UEB. 1 volumes, 12 maps, 33 pages CONTENTSSouth Carolina Information HighlightsSoutheastern...


THE PRINCETON BRAILLISTS COLLECTION **Note that these tactiles and descriptions are in English Braille: American Edition (EBAE), not in UEB. 1 volume, 23 maps, 83 pages Covers Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos,...


THE PRINCETON BRAILLISTS COLLECTION **Note that these tactiles and descriptions are in English Braille: American Edition (EBAE), not in UEB. 1 volume, 18 maps, 78 pages CONTENTS Africa Southern Africa...


10 pages A full-color tactile map of the United States. State abbreviations appear on the map, and larger dots indicate the state capitals. A key includes the full state names...


by Tactile Vision Graphics, Inc. Braille (One small vol.) with 1 fold-out tactile graphic page. This map features major cities in Ukraine, as it was before February 24, 2022, as...


THE PRINCETON BRAILLISTS COLLECTION **Note that these tactiles and descriptions are in English Braille: American Edition (EBAE), not in UEB. 1 volume, 15 maps, 84 pages CONTENTS Africa Northern Africa...
