Gifts for graduates from nursery school or college... Magnets to tuck into a card, gift books to celebrate the day, or guides to help launch a graduate into the next phase of life...
Now in UEB! Ages 5 and up In contracted braille 'You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.'...
In Spanish Braille Ages 5-8 Grade Level: Kindergarten - 3 The Spanish-only edition of Jacqueline Woodson's classic children's book, The Day You Begin, a poignant, heartening book about finding courage...
"You Rock." Some of the most original gift ideas show up at the checkout counters of book and gift stores, like these "Quotables" refrigerator magnets with memorable quotes. We selected...
"We ought to be opening a bottle of wine!" — Edith Wharton Some of the most original gift ideas show up at the checkout counters of book and gift stores,...
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain..." - Vivian Greene Some of the most original gift ideas show up...
"Us. Friends. Always." — Mary Anne Radmacher Some of the most original gift ideas show up at the checkout counters of book and gift stores, like these "Quotables" refrigerator magnets...
By Judy DixonIn two volumes Read AccessWorld's review of this book. Most of us who have used an iPhone or iPad have done at least some writing on it. But...
Accessible and Easy Ways to Receive Meals Direct to Your Door By Kim and Chris NovaIn two volumes You've heard the names before: GrubHub, Postmates, Amazon Fresh, Uber Eats. Whatever...
In 5 volumes We all write, all the time: books, blogs, and lots and lots of emails and texts. We all want to write better. Benjamin Dreyer is here to...
About Our Special Magazine: Since the 1930s, this has been our most popular magazine, written and edited especially for blind women. Published six times a year, OS covers career issues, fashion, parenting,...
About Syndicated Columnists Weekly: No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, NBP's 36-page braille weekly promises a balanced review of the provocative issues of our day. This contains the...