
Showing 1 to 12 of 24 items

10 print/braille cards with envelopes Back in stock! This year, we’ve brought back a classic, favorite holiday card! Wish your family, friends, and colleagues “comfort and joy” this year with...


Set of 20 print/braille Valentines and envelopes Our "punny" print/braille card is a perfect way to tell your friends how special they are!This year’s Valentine features a green-striped watermelon with...


Set of 20 print/braille Valentines and envelopes This playful print/braille card is a perfect way to tell your friends how special they are!This year’s Valentine features a hot, fresh-out-of-the-oven, traditional...


“Magnet: Be the person your dog thinks you are.” — UnknownSome of the most original gift ideas show up at the checkout counters of book and gift stores, like these...


Ages 10 and up — anyone who wants to practice braille! Take your braille skills to the next level by challenging yourself with some fun — and sometimes tricky —...


"When I count my blessings, I count you twice!" — Irish blessing Some of the most original gift ideas show up at the checkout counters of book and gift stores,...


"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain..." - Vivian Greene Some of the most original gift ideas show up...


“You make me happy when skies are gray.” — Jimmie DavisSome of the most original gift ideas show up at the checkout counters of book and gift stores, like these "Quotables" refrigerator...


"Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they're always there!" — Old Saying Some of the most original gift ideas show up at the...


Fun Science-Themed Puzzles to Help You Master BrailleBy Eileen P. Curran, M.Ed., Nancy Sharon, TVI, COMS, and Tammy Reisman, M.Ed., C.A.E.S.Ages 10 and up — anyone who wants to practice...


“Magnet: Life is better when you’re in it.” — Susie MooreSome of the most original gift ideas show up at the checkout counters of book and gift stores, like these "Quotables" refrigerator...


"Friends are the family you choose for yourself." — Unknown Some of the most original gift ideas show up at the checkout counters of book and gift stores, like these...
