Our Special Magazine (2025 Subscription)

  • Brand: National Braille Press
  • Availability: In Stock
  • SKU: OS25


About Our Special Magazine: Since the 1930s, this has been our most popular magazine, written and edited especially for blind women. Published six times a year, OS covers career issues, fashion, parenting, cooking, maternity, dating, health, and a panoply of other women's issues. Each issue of the magazine includes articles written by...


About Our Special Magazine: Since the 1930s, this has been our most popular magazine, written and edited especially for blind women. Published six times a year, OS covers career issues, fashion, parenting, cooking, maternity, dating, health, and a panoply of other women's issues. Each issue of the magazine includes articles written by and for blind women, and of course the slim and convenient pull-out recipe section, "Kitchen Corner."

"I have been reading Our Special for many years. I was just so delighted to receive this month's issue. It is all so interesting. I want to say, too, that I love the stories."

Contributors' Biographies

Kim Nova (Editor; Everyday Technology Solutions) is a certified spiritual and life coach dedicated to supporting women in living lives that make their hearts sing. She loves helping others conquer struggle and overwhelm and unearthing the joy and fulfillment they desire and deserve. Kim is also Director of Product Development for Mystic Access, where she assists clients in gaining confidence and having fun using their assistive technology. When she isn't working, you'll probably find her avidly reading, writing, or absorbed in music. Kim became the editor of Our Special in 2022, taking over the role from Dana Nichols.

Mary Hiland (The Fitness Cure) has loved physical activity all her life. Her first job was teaching dancing during her junior and senior year in high school. She continued her passion for dance and fitness by teaching adults a class she created called Dancer-cise. After a 22-year career as Director of Volunteers at the radio reading service in Columbus, she served as E.D. of ACB of Ohio. Upon retirement, she published two memoirs. Other writings have appeared in Red Book, Chicken Soup for the Parent's Soul, The Toastmaster Magazine, and her blog, seeingitmyway.com.

Deborah Kendrick (Kendrick Insight) is an award-winning writer, editor, columnist, and poet. She has written extensively on technology, parenting, health, and disability rights. Her work has appeared in newspapers, magazines, textbooks, and anthologies. She has been recognized by numerous organizations for both journalism and advocacy. Passions and pursuits have included cycling, hiking, cross-country skiing, reading, music, knitting, cooking, and reading aloud, especially to children. She divides her time between Ohio and Florida.

Sylvia W. Reid (Have Cane, Will Travel) has been a loyal reader of the Our Special magazine and other NBP publications for decades. Often, she travels with her husband, George. Together they enjoy different cultures, museums, scenic adventures, and innocent fun. Her careers have included teaching high-school French and psychology, programming mainframe computers, instructing blind adults in communications skills, and parenting a son and daughter who are now in their late twenties. Her passions include but are not limited to writing, literature, music, and people of all sorts. She's blessed to have five grandchildren.

Lisa Salinger (How-Tos and Helpers) received her first Our Special magazine as a high school senior, and was thrilled to see blind women succeeding in their lives. She worked for 12 years as a rehabilitation teacher, and has done a variety of other jobs including customer service and technology training. She is currently the Access Technology Specialist for the Hadley Institute. She loves finding unusual, creative, and sometimes offbeat solutions to all sorts of problems encountered in daily life. In her free time, she enjoys volunteering, reading books of all kinds, and spending time with Gracie, her Pomeranian.

Holly Turri (Reading Roundup) has been a passionate reader and writer her whole life. She has written articles for the American Council of the Blind's Braille Forum magazine, as well as the award-winning Newsline magazine from the Washington Council of the Blind. She is a graduate of Towson State University and worked for 32 years at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Her hobbies include amateur radio, walking with her guide dog Pima, cooking, travelling, and keeping in touch with friends and family. 

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